Alexandra Kravecz
Both the students and staff at The King’s Academy have the blessing of working with and learning from Mr. Marlow. He is a beloved teacher at The King’s Academy, to whom many go to for questions, advice, and a good conversation. His faith, friendliness, and teaching have impacted so many throughout campus. However, few know how he came to such a position.
Unbeknownst to many, Mr. Marlow went to TKA himself and has had lots of teachers who are still here today. He grew up Catholic, but religion wasn’t a majorly important thing in his home. It wasn’t until a summer camp going into 9th grade that Mr. Marlow made the full commitment and gave his life to Christ. He and his sister would go to church together, and after some time, they were joined by their mother. However, life still came with plenty of challenges. Mr. Marlow faced many trials such as divorce in the home, switching schools, and battles with mental health. Some of the most difficult times were those in college, where Mr. Marlow faced severe battles of depression. With the help of faith, friends, and family, he eventually overcame that haunting struggle.
Even before becoming a teacher at TKA in 2020, he faced great uncertainty about where to work, for during that time COVID-19 had caused him to go through a season of unemployment. He had always worked in the church and never imagined doing something else, let alone teaching. When asked how he got through this time, Mr. Marlow said “I had to fully depend on God, and He came through very quickly.” Faith isn’t always pretty, but it is always vital. Mr. Marlow is a shining example of how to truly depend on and trust God even through the darkest of times.