Fellowship, friends, and food: three things all people love to partake in and enjoy. Group 316 incorporated all of the concepts into their agenda, making the group one of the most popular organizations on campus. The inception of Group 316 began when a couple of students decided to eat lunch with Mr. Raines on Wednesdays. While chatting, all of the students present discovered that they wanted to find a way to impact campus in a meaningful way, desiring to put special emphasis on building character and propagating Biblical zeal throughout the student body. Quite rapidly, due to the vision of Matthew Simon, the current President of the group, Group 316 has grown into an integral part on the student body, with around forty people attending each week. When asked about the rapid growth of this organization Matthew said “…I’m astounded with how quickly the group has grown. I never could have imagined that and it is all God’s work. I started it just as a small group with some of my friends to help develop our relationship with God and He took the entire group and made it into something bigger. It’s been an eye-opening experience.”
The name Group 316 stems from the verse 2 Timothy 3:16 which states “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” This verse encapsulates the mission of the group which is to build Christ-like character and unity throughout the student body. Students from all grades and all social groups flock together on Wednesday’s during Lunch A to discuss character, the Bible, our group devotionals, and how we can be better servants for God and for others, all while partaking in fun and fellowship. When asked about Group 316, Junior Pace Edwards stated that he likes being a part of Group 316 “… because it is a place where students can connect with other students through the Word. The fact that it’s mainly student-led allows for students to share their thoughts with each other and discuss topics in a group where everyone shares the same love and passion for God’s Word.” Under the mentorship of Mr. Raines, student leaders grounded in the Word of God are emerging from this growing group and will take their strengthened characters out in to the rest of the school and community around them. The group continues to grow rapidly and would love to see more and more people join each week. If interested in joining Group 316, contact Mr. John Raines or Matthew Simon to join the Remind and group devotional on the YouVersion app.
It is quite easy, as students to get tightly wrapped up in our copious amounts of homework and extra activities. By integrating a time of fellowship into the week, through Group 316, the student body is rapidly gaining a new refreshing attitude, all rooted in the love and character of Christ.