COVID-19 has brought many changes to our lives. Social distancing, masks, sanitizing. Even school is drastically different this year with new protocols we have to follow. A major change this year has been the implementation of focus groups. The focus groups are meant to be in place of chapel because we can no longer fit the whole high school student body in the gym and be properly socially distanced. These newly set up groups allow the high school and middle school to continue growing their faith in school and maintain their distance while doing so. The groups were randomly assigned, like advisories, so there is diversity in each group. The groups have one focus leader (a teacher), and about 10-12 male and female students that are in the same grade. This makes the chapel experience feel much more personal and allows for discussions with peers within your own age group. Every week, however, one grade gets to go to a live chapel in the gym. These live chapels are filmed and shown to the focus groups at a later date. Mr. O’Neil has chosen a theme for the next few chapels, which is Love Is. So far, TKA has brought in a few guest speakers and has had some teachers as featured speakers. This is great because students get to hear many different perspectives on faith as well as experience a variety of themes that engage them. Watching previous chapels is not the only thing you do in chapel. Mr. O’Neil has shown other inspirational videos and even some fun group games one week. This system seems to be effective because it provides more variety for the students instead of going to the same chapel every week. This allows students to be more excited to go to focus groups and find out what they are doing next. The groups have also created an opportunity for students to foster new friendships with students they never would have spoken to if they hadn’t been in the same group. Overall, the focus groups have had a very positive effect on the students and their walks of faith.