As the Christmas season curtails, one of the most highly anticipated times of year has begun to come to a close. Though with the global pandemic COVID-19 still looming perilously over millions of American’s and dreadfully affecting an array of the world’s largest cities and smallest regions stopping nowhere. This dangerous virus has halted many family’s intentions to travel for the holidays, and many are left spending the holidays either in small groups or sadly alone. Older relatives are quarantined fearful of the complications they could face due to the risks of exposure to COVID-19. Some in nursing homes and retirement centers aren’t even given the option and are required to close off their circle during this holiday season.
I had the chance to reach out to TKA’s Varsity Lacrosse and Soccer Star Thomas Null and talk about how he was choosing to spend the holidays. The senior said “This year, I’m spending my Christmas break seeing family and friends. The first semester was crazy, so it’s nice to have some time off to enjoy with family and friends.” It’s refreshing to see how the students are choosing to cool down and recuperate after a stressful first semester. Though some are still taking their vacation plans seriously as fellow senior Brooke Hayes and Freshman Tyler Hayes are adventuring out on a trip to the Bahamas. When asked about her and her family’s plans for Christmas break she said “This winter break, I am traveling to the Bahamas to fish and spend time with my family. I’m excited to travel again and ready to have fun!”. Her family, however, is taking COVID-19 precautions and travel regulations seriously as they are traveling privately and trying to limit their exposure while being abroad.
As you can see this holiday season has faced its fair share of unexpected twists and turns, though the King’s Academy family seems to be acclimating as well as they can. The students are looking forward to coming back and jumping right into Homecoming Week, however, this break was well deserved by all of their handwork and effort. After two quarters of battling some mandatory quarantine, in-person classes, extracurriculars, exam exemption students have seen their fair share of variety and look forward to the reprisal of peace and deserving break.