The TKA’s Theatre Conservatory season has officially ended. From starting the season of the year with Light in the Piazza, and Little Women, to ending the second semester with Steel Magnolias, Into the Woods, and Les Miserables. The production of Les Miserables officially ended on April 27. Due to the extension of Into the Woods rehearsal, Les Miserables was cut very short. The students involved with Les Miserables were able to pull the show up in four days. Without the help of the amazing directors Tess and DB Bonds the cast would not have been able to complete this show. Most members of the cast can agree that the process was extremely stressful, but the final result was worth it. This was the last show for the senior class which made the process even more sentimental. There could not have been a better show for the end of the season. Les Miserables was filmed and is able to be purchased by any cast member families for viewing pleasure.
Les Miserables Production
Les Miserables cast b on closing night.