The battle between good and evil takes place on The King’s Academy’s stage in the Broadway favorite, “Jekyll and Hyde” late January of 2020. The project is already on its feet, with rehearsals taking place almost every day since before Thanksgiving break. Gregorio Umaña, TKA graduate who played the role of Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde in 2015, is returning to reprise the role. Albert Elias, TKA senior who is doubled cast with Gregorio, is excited to bring something new to the character. Albert Elias states, “I am so excited to have the opportunity to play Jekyll and Hyde on TKA’s main stage, and to push myself to new heights. The story is a dark, somber tale of a doctor gone mad and it’s something I’ve never seen myself being able to do in a million years. But I’ve found out, it is very fun to be able to play such an exciting character, as well as to be able to play alongside some amazing people.”
Rehearsals for productions at TKA are very extensive. A student with a mainstage role in a production at TKA stays on campus after classes for approximately 30 hours a week, not even including weekend and tech rehearsals. The closer to opening night, the more time a student stays here at TKA working on the show. But the time spent is all worth it, according to Brooke Hayes, who plays the character Lady Beaconsfield in the show. She states, “being in the shows at King’s not only teaches you how to multitask and use your spare time wisely, but how to make connections with people. It’s an incredible experience and opportunity to get to work alongside other talented peers and put together a beautiful project like Jekyll. The product and the experience are what makes all of the hours of rehearsal worthwhile.”
Jekyll and Hyde opens on January 24th and closes on February 1st.