The TKA Lions have been exceeding in sports recently. One team that really stood out was the TKA Lions Girls Varsity Lacrosse team. At the beginning of the year, the lacrosse team started off rough with three straight losses. One being against St. John Paul II Academy. The Final score against them was 13-6. Nobody ever believed that the Lady Lions Lacrosse team would ever gain a victory against that team. They kept going never giving up that spot in districts. Win after win after win, they beat every team that came their way before districts. they were now at a ten-win streak. It was finally time to compete for districts. The team they had to play was none other than the team that beat them 13-6 at the beginning of their season. St. John Paul II Academy. The game had begun and five minutes in, Sarah Scannell shot and scored the first goal. Everybody got excited and got ready to score again. It is the end of the last half now and there is very few time left. St John Paul is stalling to win but then loses the ball. Sarah Scannell runs the entire field and scores a goal to tie it up. Now the Lions had one job left, to win. Cami Van Wart was at the eight-meter. With all of the pressure from both coaches and teammates. The referee blows the whistle, she steps forward, shoots…and scores! The time is out and everyone in the stands were cheering. They made it into districts. The girls on the team proved everyone wrong because they never gave up.