The Mandalorian, a Star Wars series, took Disney+ users by storm at the end of 2019. The series followed the adventures of a Mandalorian bounty hunter and his unlikely sidekick, lovingly nicknamed by fans as “baby Yoda.” This series was able to give Star Wars fans an original and genuine Star Wars production that was true to the science fiction universe. Also, social media made the “bady Yoda” character viral with popularity for his cute and innocent personalty. The weekly episode releases kept viewers anxious for what came next every Friday and the finale left enough loose ends to have the audiences begging for more. The aspect of The Mandalorian being the first live action series in the franchise allowed for more suspense and cliffhangers. This allows more creative freedom in story-telling than with films. The series intrigues people about where “baby Yoda” truly came from and whether or not our favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett, will make an appearance in the next season. In conclusion, The Mandalorian had the action and adventure of a true Star Wars production, while also developing a unique and exciting storyline that current fans and future fans can enjoy. The first season is now available on Disney+ and the release of two more seasons are underway.